HTTP Postback Parameters

These are the field names/values that Leverly will POST back.

Field NameField Value
vendorLeadIDLead ID provided by the client
InquiryIDLead’s unique Leverly ID
firstNameLead’s first name
lastNameLead’s last name
emailLead’s email address
Phone1Lead’s phone number
Phone2Lead’s 2nd phone number
Phone3Lead’s 3rd phone number
Phone4Lead’s 4th phone number
locationLead’s location
areaOfInterestLead’s product or nature of enquiry
address1Lead’s address
cityLead’s city
stateLead’s state
zipLead’s zipcode
keywordLead’s keyword
companyNameLead’s company name
commentsLead’s comments
leadSourceLead’s source
repPhoneRep’s phone number sent to Leverly
inquiryDateDate inquiry was received by Leverly
inquiryTimeTime inquiry was received by Leverly
callDateDate call was generated (yy:mm:dd format)
callTimeTime call was generated (hh:mm:ss format)
inquiryStatusStatus of enquiry at the time it was received
repResponseEnd user’s response to the call
repIDID of the representative who answered (if enabled)
answeredByPhone number of representative who answered the call
totalCallDurationTotal duration of call
connectedCallDurationDuration of time connected to lead
reattemptCntCall notification count
inquiryToConnectionTimeThe time duration that starts when the inquiry was received by Leverly and ends when a lead picks up the phone
callState“In process” or “Final attempt”
billingInfoTells if call resulted in a connection (Yes = connection made; No = No connection made)
cpaResultIf voicemail detection is enabled, will display “HUMAN”, “MACHINE”, or “FAX”
errorMessageIf call encounters an error, will display error message
dispositionResultCall disposition
callRecordingNameName of call recording

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